• Promenade Road, Tudor Bridge, St Michael, Bridgetown, BARBADOS BB12037

Maritime Welfare Services

Welfare services is critical to maintaining safe shipping. The seafaring profession is one of the most physically and mentally taxing jobs in the world. It is thus essential that seafarers have a healthy shipboard and ashore lifestyle to attain and maintain the level of fitness required to safely perform their duties.

CariMarine provides various maritime welfare services for seafarers, including

  • counselling pre, during and post-return from sea
  • designing seafarer leisure programs for shipboard and port settings
  • working with shipping companies to ensure proper and effective implementation of the human element in maritime, a concept endorsed and promoted by both the IMO and ILO
  • working with organizations to coordinate and facilitate the provision of the varying maritime welfare services required by seafarers (whether on ship or ashore)
  • working with seaports to ensure care for the human element while seafarers are in port

CariMarine knows that a happy, contented and fit crew working and living in decent shipboard conditions and subjected to decent conditions while in ports, is a major part of safe shipping and retaining persons in the maritime industry.